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Stock replacement for August 17th.

In the meantime, you can buy your Quartz Bowl and reserve it until they arrive, we will have a 15% discount on all our bowls!

Inspired by the therapeutic and meditative use of metal bowls, our Quartz Bowls incorporate, in addition to the spiritual benefits of quartz, unique and unrepeatable acoustic properties.

Its sound is sweet, intense and very enveloping, which makes it perfect as a complement to different activities, such as yoga classes, group meditations, working with children, psychological consultations, among many others.


Un cuenco de cuarzo es una exquisita pieza deL cristal AL 99,99%, que emana una pureza y resonancia única. Su forma redondeada permite que, al frotar su borde con una baqueta de cuarzo o un mazo especial, genere tonos y vibraciones armoniosas que llenan el espacio con una energía sanadora y relajante.

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